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Naomi Bush

Remembering Kerry

This is my beautiful friend Kerry, I want to tell you about her and about how without her this business probably wouldn’t exist at all. Kerry had been a mental health nurse for the NHS.… Read More »Remembering Kerry

Decoding the Jargon

There is a lot of jargon used in education and when you don’t know what a term means, it can be hard to stop a meeting in its tracks and ask. We’ve gathered together as… Read More »Decoding the Jargon

Learning from Living

Green Sparks has had a very busy few months – that’s my excuse for failing to blog in February or March and I’m sticking to it for now. Between January and March we moved from… Read More »Learning from Living

Starting out again

January has been far more fun than expected, considering how gloomy midwinter can be. Among other highlights, we managed to complete a session in the midst of freshly fallen snow (this felt especially lucky as… Read More »Starting out again